Offsite dishwashing solutions

Hygiene is extremely important for restaurants, cafes, food courts and every other F&B outlet. Poorly washed dishes may not just result in non-returning customers, but may also attract NEA fines and demerit points, and even cause licenses to be revoked in severe cases.

More and more F&B establishments are facing manpower shortage. The daily amount of dirty dishes only stacks higher, and an equally high standard of hygiene needs to be achieved. Off-site dishwashing is the cost-effective and reliable solution we need.

With off-site dishwashing, you no longer need to worry about one unsanitary dish to put your restaurant at risk, or hefty operating costs and the time needed to constantly replace manpower. The process is simple and timely. Dishes are collected from your shop and transported to our central dishwashing facility, where they are sanitized with specialised industrial dishwashing machines. After the cleaning is done, we will pack your dishes and transport them back to you for use.

Making a Clean Difference

Commercial Washing Machine

By automating your dishwashing process, you stand to save tons on labour costs. We have invested in heavy-duty commercial dishwashing systems which are capable of sanitizing your dishes quickly and effectively.

Efficient Transport Network